When Obama took office I was worried that he was not being up front about what he wanted to do while in office. Everything about his past pointed to a far more radical person than the person he presented himself to be to the American people. In the campaign he was very careful to never give clear answers on many topics. He just spouted 'feel good' platitudes. The was wrapped like a birthday present in pretty paper by the media. Enough word came out, mostly on Fox news and talk radio, to make me really worried though. I did hope that he would not be as radical as his past associations had seemed to make him. But my hopes have all been dashed.
President Obama has had a huge hidden agenda all along. Because he still can't honestly answer questions about it, or talk about it, he continues to be in campaign mode. In speech after speech after speech he says the same thing, and gives very little real information. But the truth is becoming clear.
What does it mean to 'fundamentally transform America'. It means to transform America from its very foundations. Obama disagrees mightily with the founding fathers and what they wanted for America. He disagrees with their ideas and the constitution they created. He and his cadre want a socialist, big government, society. He wants POWER. Power to tell people what they can and can't do. Power to take their money. Power to tell them what doctor they can have, and when they have to quit using that doctor and live on pain pills instead. He wants power for himself and his radical associates. And they want power too. In Obama, they found the perfect front man. He is a gifted speaker. He is black, and he was young and relatively unknown. Now they have everything in place to shift this country in the direction that many radical organizations and people have wanted it to go. With huge piles of money, that comes from evil and conspiring men, and with the media safely in their pocket, they are able to push for those radical changes.
But a funny thing happened on the way to their Great Society. A lot of American people took notice and began to push back. Some brave talk show hosts continued to use what freedoms are still available to fight back and tell the truth. The American people are a great people when they are awakened. I hope that enough of us are awake and willing to fight for the protection of our country against this threat. We must save our constitution and work hard to get good leaders in place. We must do away with all the corruption. And we must let the media know that we expect them to do their jobs. Investigate and report what is really going on. Not just be some weird fan club of a radical, inexperienced, very flawed individual.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A few ideas on health care reform
The efforts of powerful men to undermine the foundations of this great country are becoming more and more evident and more and more frightening. Right now the big debate is about Health Care reform. I have to say that this has been coming for a long time. Most people in this country see a need for some reforms in the way our health insurance industry meets the health care of the people in the country. Because of the switch to employer paid health care back about 60 years ago, health insurance has become an important part of employment. Most people find it very hard to switch jobs, or to open their own business because they are afraid to lose their insurance. Once you develop a serious health condition, you better not lose your current health insurance because you won't be able to get more.
Reforms need to address the portability of insurance and the dependence on insurance continuing to cover you despite a serious illness. Reforms also need to address tort reform. The extremely large payouts from law suits encourages more and more law suits and like pigs to a trough, the lawyers just continue to push and push. Tort reform is going to be tough because of the power of the lawyers lobbyists. Democrats are forced to protect them because of their huge financial support to democrats. As long as democrats are in power there just will not be tort reform. It won't happen.
Government regulation is a huge cause of the big financial burden that the health industry carries, and passes onto us, the consumers. All insurance is regulated on what they have to include in the policy. Things that most of us don't want to pay for insurance for. It is forced on us. I won't go into the details about it. It is well written about on the internet. To be honest I don't fully understand it, but facts are facts, and regulation in any industry creates much unnecessary cost. I would love to see more free market ideas let loose on the insurance industry.
This country has one of the greatest health care industries in the world. Let's not ruin it, but crushing it under a government run program. Government needs to pull out of the health care industry as much as possible. At this place in time I would say that the chance of that happening is about as great as me giving up chocolate for the next year!
Reforms need to address the portability of insurance and the dependence on insurance continuing to cover you despite a serious illness. Reforms also need to address tort reform. The extremely large payouts from law suits encourages more and more law suits and like pigs to a trough, the lawyers just continue to push and push. Tort reform is going to be tough because of the power of the lawyers lobbyists. Democrats are forced to protect them because of their huge financial support to democrats. As long as democrats are in power there just will not be tort reform. It won't happen.
Government regulation is a huge cause of the big financial burden that the health industry carries, and passes onto us, the consumers. All insurance is regulated on what they have to include in the policy. Things that most of us don't want to pay for insurance for. It is forced on us. I won't go into the details about it. It is well written about on the internet. To be honest I don't fully understand it, but facts are facts, and regulation in any industry creates much unnecessary cost. I would love to see more free market ideas let loose on the insurance industry.
This country has one of the greatest health care industries in the world. Let's not ruin it, but crushing it under a government run program. Government needs to pull out of the health care industry as much as possible. At this place in time I would say that the chance of that happening is about as great as me giving up chocolate for the next year!
Friday, July 17, 2009
I weep for my country
I am struggling with great sadness as I watch the seeming destruction of of this great country. There have been many times in the history of the United States where we have faced great dangers. Great men and women stood up and fought for what they knew was right. Again and again this country survived and grew ever stronger. A time of great prosperity and strength came and the people of America have become the most productive and prosperous in the history of the world. So what has happened.
There is a disease that has struck at the very foundation of our society. That disease is a combination of liberalism, secularism, and atheism. Evil men (and yes, I do believe that they are evil men) have listened to that great destroyer and deceiver Satan. They don't recognize who leads them, they don't even acknowledge his existence. But that doesn't change the fact that they are his servants and they do his work. He doesn't need them to know that he leads them, he just needs them to do his work of destroying this great nation.
The enemy is no longer at the gate, he is inside the gate. In fact he is in charge of the place. There are good people who are also working to save this country, but those who are blinded by power and money and fame who fall all too willingly into the grasp of evil.
I feel like the last 6 months has seen such a drastic change in the government and their policies that I don't know how much more we can take before the very fabric of our society is shredded beyond repair. The economy was in bad shape, but not insolvable. Now we are hearing things like 'unsustainable' and 'trillion dollar deficit'. The world is turning against the dollar and the productivity of the country is diving. And the horrible policies and practices that brought this about are being increased. Tax, tax, tax. Liberals see only one solution to everything. TAX. Taking more and more money out of the hands of the people who earn it and using it for power grabs and vote getting.
Pushing a great fraud onto the citizens of this country is one of the lowest things that a political group can do. The global warming hoax is being used to grab for more money and power. The cap and trade bill is a huge attempt to force the American people down a path they would never choose willingly. Cap and Trade would give more money and more power to the liberal elite in this country and raise the prices of pretty much everything! More money squeezed from the people and for what? Cap and Trade isn't designed to reduce greenhouse gasses, even if they were a danger to this world. The whole thing is nonsense. When you have people telling you that 'the science is settled' and 'all scientists agree', you can pretty much count on the fact that they are hiding things from you. But they aren't hiding it very well. There are thousands of scientists and experts who are trying to get word out that global warming is a natural process that man cannot change to any appreciable degree. They are up against a media that refuses to publish anything that will go against their own chosen agenda. But the truth is out there and we have to keep fighting for it to get out to the citizens of this country.
Now we are facing one of the greatest threats to our prosperity and well being. Nationalized health care. If the goal of the left is just to see that everyone gets good health care then they are going about it in a very poor fashion. Why would they make it illegal to move to another private insurance after you change jobs and lose your insurance from that job? Why are they trying to force everyone into government insurance? It's obvious. They want to control the people. They want the control of the huge amount of money it would entail. This is very frightening. I want everyone to have good health care also. I believe that their are problems with the industry and there needs to be a lot of work done, but this plan is totally the wrong path. Can't they see what has happened in country after country that has tried to use government health care or socialized medicine. It has NEVER succeeded. It is a disaster and there is much suffering and much lost time and work, as people struggle to get the care they need. Many have died waiting for the care they need. But it provides great power to a few people at the top. That is the draw.
I am so worried. I don't know if we can recover from this disastrous presidency of Barrack Obama and the reign of the Democrats in both houses of congress. But each citizen that cares must stand up and be heard. We must educate ourselves and others. We must speak out and vote and most of all we must pray. God expects us to do all we can do and then turn to him and ask his help. It is my hope and prayer that we will be worthy of his protection and help. It is my prayer that this country will survive. But for now, I weep for the state of the country at this time.
There is a disease that has struck at the very foundation of our society. That disease is a combination of liberalism, secularism, and atheism. Evil men (and yes, I do believe that they are evil men) have listened to that great destroyer and deceiver Satan. They don't recognize who leads them, they don't even acknowledge his existence. But that doesn't change the fact that they are his servants and they do his work. He doesn't need them to know that he leads them, he just needs them to do his work of destroying this great nation.
The enemy is no longer at the gate, he is inside the gate. In fact he is in charge of the place. There are good people who are also working to save this country, but those who are blinded by power and money and fame who fall all too willingly into the grasp of evil.
I feel like the last 6 months has seen such a drastic change in the government and their policies that I don't know how much more we can take before the very fabric of our society is shredded beyond repair. The economy was in bad shape, but not insolvable. Now we are hearing things like 'unsustainable' and 'trillion dollar deficit'. The world is turning against the dollar and the productivity of the country is diving. And the horrible policies and practices that brought this about are being increased. Tax, tax, tax. Liberals see only one solution to everything. TAX. Taking more and more money out of the hands of the people who earn it and using it for power grabs and vote getting.
Pushing a great fraud onto the citizens of this country is one of the lowest things that a political group can do. The global warming hoax is being used to grab for more money and power. The cap and trade bill is a huge attempt to force the American people down a path they would never choose willingly. Cap and Trade would give more money and more power to the liberal elite in this country and raise the prices of pretty much everything! More money squeezed from the people and for what? Cap and Trade isn't designed to reduce greenhouse gasses, even if they were a danger to this world. The whole thing is nonsense. When you have people telling you that 'the science is settled' and 'all scientists agree', you can pretty much count on the fact that they are hiding things from you. But they aren't hiding it very well. There are thousands of scientists and experts who are trying to get word out that global warming is a natural process that man cannot change to any appreciable degree. They are up against a media that refuses to publish anything that will go against their own chosen agenda. But the truth is out there and we have to keep fighting for it to get out to the citizens of this country.
Now we are facing one of the greatest threats to our prosperity and well being. Nationalized health care. If the goal of the left is just to see that everyone gets good health care then they are going about it in a very poor fashion. Why would they make it illegal to move to another private insurance after you change jobs and lose your insurance from that job? Why are they trying to force everyone into government insurance? It's obvious. They want to control the people. They want the control of the huge amount of money it would entail. This is very frightening. I want everyone to have good health care also. I believe that their are problems with the industry and there needs to be a lot of work done, but this plan is totally the wrong path. Can't they see what has happened in country after country that has tried to use government health care or socialized medicine. It has NEVER succeeded. It is a disaster and there is much suffering and much lost time and work, as people struggle to get the care they need. Many have died waiting for the care they need. But it provides great power to a few people at the top. That is the draw.
I am so worried. I don't know if we can recover from this disastrous presidency of Barrack Obama and the reign of the Democrats in both houses of congress. But each citizen that cares must stand up and be heard. We must educate ourselves and others. We must speak out and vote and most of all we must pray. God expects us to do all we can do and then turn to him and ask his help. It is my hope and prayer that we will be worthy of his protection and help. It is my prayer that this country will survive. But for now, I weep for the state of the country at this time.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Will we recognize our country
The last several weeks as I've followed the ongoing efforts of the Obama administration to make huge changes in the way our country is run, I've come to realize that when the leadership of this country finally changes, we may no longer recognize our country. With an economy that is rapidly being taken from free enterprise and capitalism to socialism, and much of our banking world and the auto industries being nationalized, our financial system will be changed drastically. The Cap and Trade bill is a monstrosity that has so much fine print and regulatory power that every citizen will have their finances vastly affected. Our energy bills will go up and the price of gas will go up, but that is just the beginning. Every product and service we pay for will go up in price. It will have to, to offset the increase of price for production and services. This will hurt Obama's favorite constituency - the poor- most of all.
The intrusion of government into our health care will destroy our health care. Government cannot improve it. It is just not within the power or ability of government to improve the health care industry. The people who would run the programs would be appointments made by those who know little to nothing about health care and they would appoint people who they owe something to. The red tape and regulation would increase 10 fold. The loss of health care professionals would soon follow because fewer and fewer people would choose to go into such a heavily government run industry, where their pay would be limited unfairly.
The increase of czars in the government that are not cleared by the congress and are not answerable to anyone but the president and have unprecedented powers are very frightening and completely against everything the founding fathers had in mind. This is a power grab by the executive branch of government.
I kind of agree with Rush Limbaugh. I just don't see Obama being satisfied with only 2 terms. With the fawning media touting the accomplishments of this president and how much we need him, there just might be enough people to push for the 22nd ammendment being done away with. It doesn't seem possible, but how many of us could have foreseen where we are now, just 8 years ago.
What can we do? For a start we need to get very active in making sure there are changes in Congress in 2010. Republicans need to quit this incessant infighting. It is discouraging to the people out there who are ready to go to work. We each need to write our senators and congressmen and let them know how we feel about the issues. They need to know that there will be a price to pay for their votes that support Obama's agenda.
And we need to pray, and pray hard.
The intrusion of government into our health care will destroy our health care. Government cannot improve it. It is just not within the power or ability of government to improve the health care industry. The people who would run the programs would be appointments made by those who know little to nothing about health care and they would appoint people who they owe something to. The red tape and regulation would increase 10 fold. The loss of health care professionals would soon follow because fewer and fewer people would choose to go into such a heavily government run industry, where their pay would be limited unfairly.
The increase of czars in the government that are not cleared by the congress and are not answerable to anyone but the president and have unprecedented powers are very frightening and completely against everything the founding fathers had in mind. This is a power grab by the executive branch of government.
I kind of agree with Rush Limbaugh. I just don't see Obama being satisfied with only 2 terms. With the fawning media touting the accomplishments of this president and how much we need him, there just might be enough people to push for the 22nd ammendment being done away with. It doesn't seem possible, but how many of us could have foreseen where we are now, just 8 years ago.
What can we do? For a start we need to get very active in making sure there are changes in Congress in 2010. Republicans need to quit this incessant infighting. It is discouraging to the people out there who are ready to go to work. We each need to write our senators and congressmen and let them know how we feel about the issues. They need to know that there will be a price to pay for their votes that support Obama's agenda.
And we need to pray, and pray hard.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Who is whispering in Obama's ear?
I haven't posted in awhile. I have been reading and studying the current news and commentary though. At this point I see nothing to raise my spirits about the direction the Obama Administration is taking this country. Obama is a dangerous egomaniac. I know those are very strong words. But how in the world can a man with his VERY limited experience think he knows enough to make such dramatic and intense changes to our society and government. He campaigned on Hope and Change. Well, the change part he has down pat. It is the hope part that is sadly lacking.
The only hope I see in this only thing is the weakening hope that our country will survive this administration. They have only been in office a short time and already there are numerous evidences of corruption, cronyism, and Power grabs. They have nationalized a very important part of the economy (banks, and the auto industry) and they have big plans to nationalize the Health Care industry which makes up 1/5th of our countries economy. Yes, socialism is on the march. Socialism has always been a dangerous and criminal method of throwing power to a few corrupt men. It is not a system that works, but because of it's great promise of power many men and women continue to pursue it.
My personal beliefs are the it is a tool used by that great deceiver, Satan, to enslave men. His ultimate goal is to make men miserable. One important step to this is to take away their freedom, and to subject them to the will of evil and powerful men. Since this is my belief, it is easy to see how I also believe that Obama is a tool for Satan. I don't think he has purposely signed on to do the devil's work for him, but I do believe that Satan is using Obama's extreme self-love to push him to grab for more and more power and world acclaim. Where does Obama's inspiration come from? With his support for extreme methods of abortion like partial birth abortion (and indeed for any abortion), his backing of those who would destroy Israel, and his policies that remove more and more freedoms from Americans, I think it is clear that the one who whispers in Obama's ear is not the Being whose ways lead to peace and happiness, but the one who leads people down a much darker path.
The only hope I see in this only thing is the weakening hope that our country will survive this administration. They have only been in office a short time and already there are numerous evidences of corruption, cronyism, and Power grabs. They have nationalized a very important part of the economy (banks, and the auto industry) and they have big plans to nationalize the Health Care industry which makes up 1/5th of our countries economy. Yes, socialism is on the march. Socialism has always been a dangerous and criminal method of throwing power to a few corrupt men. It is not a system that works, but because of it's great promise of power many men and women continue to pursue it.
My personal beliefs are the it is a tool used by that great deceiver, Satan, to enslave men. His ultimate goal is to make men miserable. One important step to this is to take away their freedom, and to subject them to the will of evil and powerful men. Since this is my belief, it is easy to see how I also believe that Obama is a tool for Satan. I don't think he has purposely signed on to do the devil's work for him, but I do believe that Satan is using Obama's extreme self-love to push him to grab for more and more power and world acclaim. Where does Obama's inspiration come from? With his support for extreme methods of abortion like partial birth abortion (and indeed for any abortion), his backing of those who would destroy Israel, and his policies that remove more and more freedoms from Americans, I think it is clear that the one who whispers in Obama's ear is not the Being whose ways lead to peace and happiness, but the one who leads people down a much darker path.
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Madam Speaker needs a timeout
When my 4 year old niece lies (as 4 year olds are known to do) she gets sent to timeout. She is placed on a specific spot to reflect on her mistakes and, hopefully, learn a lesson. The timeout doesn't last long, because she is only a 4 year old, and just a few minutes is a long time for a 4 year old. But having to take a timeout is an effective tool that her mother has learned to use with her to help her change her behavior.
I was reading about Nancy Pelosi's recent attempts to extricate herself from her tangle web of deceit and it hit me- "Nancy Pelosi needs a timeout". She needs to be set down in a corner somewhere and be told that her behavior is unacceptable. She needs to reflect on what she has done wrong and how she needs to change her behavior. And since she is a lot older and more responsible than a 4 year old, I would suggest that she needs to stay in time-out for quite awhile.
I would hope that while she is in timeout that she would begin to realize that the great position that has been awarded to her by the people of this country, comes with great responsibilities. Number one is to be honest and forthright with the American people. Her recent attempts to appease her left wing supporters by going along with the idea that there should be investigations and punishments for those that supported waterboarding, when all along, it turns out, she knew about it and supported it herself, gives us a sad look at her lack of integrity.
Who are the people she serves? A few loud mouthed left wing socialists? A wild and idiotic San Francisco citizenry? Or the whole country. She needs to recognize that when she was put into such a position of power, that she was given a great responsibility to see to the well-being of this nation as a whole.
Right now she is paying a huge price for her attempts to hide her own involvement in the "torture" debates. She apparently supported it then, but now wants us to believe that she knew nothing about what they were really doing. I believe she was right to support it then. We were in a time of extreme danger, and that danger was hidden from us. We had to get to the truth, or lose many more American lives. If she did give her approval, as the record indicates, then good for her. It was the right thing to do. But since then she has lost her bearings. She has given in to her baser instincts to try to destroy and get revenge on the past administration, and at the same time, try to distance herself from any responsibility for harsh measures that were taken in the pursuit of information. As a result she has lied repeatedly and tried to claim that the CIA and others are lying. So for that she needs some serious time in timeout.
She needs to be removed from her position as Speaker of the House. We now know that she will lie and deceive if it will give her the applause she craves from the looney left. She will destroy others, for her own self-preservation, or simply for revenge. Maybe some time sitting in the halls of Congress, as a regular member, thinking about what she has done wrong, will help her learn a lesson or two. But more importantly to the country, we will get that lying, deceiving, vengeful, and untrustworthy woman out of such an important political position.
I was reading about Nancy Pelosi's recent attempts to extricate herself from her tangle web of deceit and it hit me- "Nancy Pelosi needs a timeout". She needs to be set down in a corner somewhere and be told that her behavior is unacceptable. She needs to reflect on what she has done wrong and how she needs to change her behavior. And since she is a lot older and more responsible than a 4 year old, I would suggest that she needs to stay in time-out for quite awhile.
I would hope that while she is in timeout that she would begin to realize that the great position that has been awarded to her by the people of this country, comes with great responsibilities. Number one is to be honest and forthright with the American people. Her recent attempts to appease her left wing supporters by going along with the idea that there should be investigations and punishments for those that supported waterboarding, when all along, it turns out, she knew about it and supported it herself, gives us a sad look at her lack of integrity.
Who are the people she serves? A few loud mouthed left wing socialists? A wild and idiotic San Francisco citizenry? Or the whole country. She needs to recognize that when she was put into such a position of power, that she was given a great responsibility to see to the well-being of this nation as a whole.
Right now she is paying a huge price for her attempts to hide her own involvement in the "torture" debates. She apparently supported it then, but now wants us to believe that she knew nothing about what they were really doing. I believe she was right to support it then. We were in a time of extreme danger, and that danger was hidden from us. We had to get to the truth, or lose many more American lives. If she did give her approval, as the record indicates, then good for her. It was the right thing to do. But since then she has lost her bearings. She has given in to her baser instincts to try to destroy and get revenge on the past administration, and at the same time, try to distance herself from any responsibility for harsh measures that were taken in the pursuit of information. As a result she has lied repeatedly and tried to claim that the CIA and others are lying. So for that she needs some serious time in timeout.
She needs to be removed from her position as Speaker of the House. We now know that she will lie and deceive if it will give her the applause she craves from the looney left. She will destroy others, for her own self-preservation, or simply for revenge. Maybe some time sitting in the halls of Congress, as a regular member, thinking about what she has done wrong, will help her learn a lesson or two. But more importantly to the country, we will get that lying, deceiving, vengeful, and untrustworthy woman out of such an important political position.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Justice or Empathy
Barrack Obama has stated that he will select a judge based on whether he or she has empathy. This is the exact opposite of what a judge should be judged by. The important roll of judges is to decide based on the rule of law and the constitution. Not on sympathy or empathy with specific groups or causes.
I see Obama's stated plan on how he will select a judge a disaster for this country. One of the things that happens when judges are confirmed is that they are questioned on how they interpret the law. If Obama's criteria is that they will overlook the rule of law to rule in favor of specific groups then we are in deep trouble. The basis and foundation of our society will crumble under such corruption by the third branch of our government.
I see Obama's stated plan on how he will select a judge a disaster for this country. One of the things that happens when judges are confirmed is that they are questioned on how they interpret the law. If Obama's criteria is that they will overlook the rule of law to rule in favor of specific groups then we are in deep trouble. The basis and foundation of our society will crumble under such corruption by the third branch of our government.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
America on the brink
I fear for my country. I fear that we may be digging a financial hole too big to get out of. I fear that we have traded strength and security for a silver tongue. I fear that too many people have no personal investment in the success and strength of this country. They don't pay any taxes, they don't vote, they don't care. I fear that those who do vote, are basing their votes on which politicians will tell them what they want to hear. They don't listen when someone tells them what they need to hear. I fear that there are too many people who look to the false Gods of Hollywood as a guide to their actions.
But America isn't done yet. With God's help, we can overcome this cycle of far left liberal control of our government. There are huge numbers of people in this country that are becoming more and more concerned and even enraged over the dangerous path Obama and his goons are taking.
I believe in peace through strength, Obama believes in peace through nice friendly chats and lots of apologizing. I believe that it is right that the hard working and intelligent and creative, and yes, even the lucky should be allowed to succeed and have more money than me. Obama believes that all incomes should be even, and that people who want to sit on their porch and drink beer instead of getting a job deserve to be supported by those who are putting in the long hard days of work. He believes that those who work and sacrifice and take huge chances and then succeed should only receive as much as the lazy and shiftless. This is societal suicide. People will either be discouraged from making more money, which builds and drives the economy, or they will begin to leave the country
We can still have hope, but things look bad right now. We can't be fainthearted. We must stand up for what we believe in. We must let our voices be heard.
But America isn't done yet. With God's help, we can overcome this cycle of far left liberal control of our government. There are huge numbers of people in this country that are becoming more and more concerned and even enraged over the dangerous path Obama and his goons are taking.
I believe in peace through strength, Obama believes in peace through nice friendly chats and lots of apologizing. I believe that it is right that the hard working and intelligent and creative, and yes, even the lucky should be allowed to succeed and have more money than me. Obama believes that all incomes should be even, and that people who want to sit on their porch and drink beer instead of getting a job deserve to be supported by those who are putting in the long hard days of work. He believes that those who work and sacrifice and take huge chances and then succeed should only receive as much as the lazy and shiftless. This is societal suicide. People will either be discouraged from making more money, which builds and drives the economy, or they will begin to leave the country
We can still have hope, but things look bad right now. We can't be fainthearted. We must stand up for what we believe in. We must let our voices be heard.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pandemic Awareness
Lately I have been thinking more and more about our family's preparedness. In our church we are counseled to store food and water and other essentials. We have tried to follow these guidelines with our family. We have been working on updating it recently. One of the things that is always a possibility is a pandemic. With the recent news about a possible pandemic starting in Mexico and now spreading to the USA, I have been thinking again about how important it is to be prepared. If a pandemic starts, there is a very real possibility that authorities could quarantine people to their homes. Are we prepared that we could get by without having to go to the store?
I am not a 'gloom and doom' person, but it makes no sense to ignore the very real possibility that we could at some time face a serious outbreak.
Here is an article about the new flu that is raising fears:
New swine flu likely widespread, experts say.
and here is a link to the Provident Living site:
Pandemic Preparedness Planning
Finally, here is the Link for the government's site:
I hope and pray there is no need to worry, but pandemics have been something the human race has dealt with for centuries, and we most likely will again, so it is best to be prepared.
I am not a 'gloom and doom' person, but it makes no sense to ignore the very real possibility that we could at some time face a serious outbreak.
Here is an article about the new flu that is raising fears:
New swine flu likely widespread, experts say.
and here is a link to the Provident Living site:
Pandemic Preparedness Planning
Finally, here is the Link for the government's site:
I hope and pray there is no need to worry, but pandemics have been something the human race has dealt with for centuries, and we most likely will again, so it is best to be prepared.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
A Great Article
Here is an article that goes well with my last post.
The Obama Doctrine: "Don't Blame Me" by Ben Shapiro
The Obama Doctrine: "Don't Blame Me" by Ben Shapiro
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What is wrong with our President?
Dear Mr. Obama
What is wrong with you? Are you really as weak kneed and lilly livered as you appear, or do you really dislike America as much as they say you do? Why would you travel all over Europe and now South America and tell the world how bad America is. I am trying to understand. Is it because you are the product of a dysfunctional family? Is it because you are the product of Chicago politics? Were you that influenced by the hate monger Reverend Wright? What is it from your past that has made you a jiggly blob of jelly when it comes to standing up for America? You should be proudly representing all that is good in this country. You should be telling the world that our people have sacrificed greatly to help many many countries and we stand ready to do so again and again. You should be defending America from her detractors and announcing to the world that this is a country of hard working, honest, intelligent, caring people. When I see your sniveling crawling attitude to the biggest villians in South America I could just throw up. They lie through their teeth and try to blame all that is wrong in their country on us, when it is obvious that their corrupt and socialist ways have led to the disasters they face with their economies and other problems. They present books to you that loudly proclaim that the US is responsible for the problems they have and you just smile and say thankyou. When they try to blame America for any and everything they don't want to take responsibility for, you just smile and say, "I hope you aren't trying to blame me for things that happened when I was 3 months old."
Mr. Obama, you are an embarrassment to all of us. We tried to elect a leader that would lead. We wanted someone that would help America stand strong in trying and difficult times. What did we get? Apparently we got a sniveling coward.
But maybe I have it all wrong. Is this just part of your plan to destroy this country. You early on decided that you had a gift. You had a silver tongue and with that silver tongue you could persuade masses of people to follow you wherever you led, even if it meant remaking America into some kind of weak international underling. Is your plan to take what was once the mightiest, proudest, most capable country on earth and turn it into another 3rd world country? I'm really starting to believe that you have no real attachment to this country. Oh you have said you do. But those were just words to get elected. Your actions speak much louder than your words. You have more loyalty to the idea of the international community than you do to America.
Your wife clued us in when she said, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country." For a person to have reached her age and never been proud of this great country, means that she, and by association you, do not like America and think that all she has is faults and evils. You are wrong. Dead wrong. If you can't see the greatness and the selflessness of the American people, then there is no hope for you. You sir are blind to the best and the brightest star this world has.
May God hold you accountable for every move you make that destroys lives (of the born and unborn), that drives more debt on us, and that emboldens our enemies. Believe me, you will stand before the great judgement seat of God and he will hold you accountable. Your silver tongue won't protect you from that judgement, for God will know your heart.
It isn't too late to change. You can turn over a new leaf and begin to protect and defend this country from it's enemies instead of lunch with them and apologize for America.
Mr. Obama...America....Love it or leave it.
A very concerned citizen
What is wrong with you? Are you really as weak kneed and lilly livered as you appear, or do you really dislike America as much as they say you do? Why would you travel all over Europe and now South America and tell the world how bad America is. I am trying to understand. Is it because you are the product of a dysfunctional family? Is it because you are the product of Chicago politics? Were you that influenced by the hate monger Reverend Wright? What is it from your past that has made you a jiggly blob of jelly when it comes to standing up for America? You should be proudly representing all that is good in this country. You should be telling the world that our people have sacrificed greatly to help many many countries and we stand ready to do so again and again. You should be defending America from her detractors and announcing to the world that this is a country of hard working, honest, intelligent, caring people. When I see your sniveling crawling attitude to the biggest villians in South America I could just throw up. They lie through their teeth and try to blame all that is wrong in their country on us, when it is obvious that their corrupt and socialist ways have led to the disasters they face with their economies and other problems. They present books to you that loudly proclaim that the US is responsible for the problems they have and you just smile and say thankyou. When they try to blame America for any and everything they don't want to take responsibility for, you just smile and say, "I hope you aren't trying to blame me for things that happened when I was 3 months old."
Mr. Obama, you are an embarrassment to all of us. We tried to elect a leader that would lead. We wanted someone that would help America stand strong in trying and difficult times. What did we get? Apparently we got a sniveling coward.
But maybe I have it all wrong. Is this just part of your plan to destroy this country. You early on decided that you had a gift. You had a silver tongue and with that silver tongue you could persuade masses of people to follow you wherever you led, even if it meant remaking America into some kind of weak international underling. Is your plan to take what was once the mightiest, proudest, most capable country on earth and turn it into another 3rd world country? I'm really starting to believe that you have no real attachment to this country. Oh you have said you do. But those were just words to get elected. Your actions speak much louder than your words. You have more loyalty to the idea of the international community than you do to America.
Your wife clued us in when she said, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country." For a person to have reached her age and never been proud of this great country, means that she, and by association you, do not like America and think that all she has is faults and evils. You are wrong. Dead wrong. If you can't see the greatness and the selflessness of the American people, then there is no hope for you. You sir are blind to the best and the brightest star this world has.
May God hold you accountable for every move you make that destroys lives (of the born and unborn), that drives more debt on us, and that emboldens our enemies. Believe me, you will stand before the great judgement seat of God and he will hold you accountable. Your silver tongue won't protect you from that judgement, for God will know your heart.
It isn't too late to change. You can turn over a new leaf and begin to protect and defend this country from it's enemies instead of lunch with them and apologize for America.
Mr. Obama...America....Love it or leave it.
A very concerned citizen
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Beautiful spring!
Today I have been enjoying the beauties of spring. We had some thunderstorms this morning, but this afternoon the sun came out and everything was sparkling clean and beautiful. The sky was blue with some fluffy white clouds. There is a special quality to the color green in the spring, as all the trees and bushes are putting out their fresh young leaves. I just love it. It is evening now and as I sit by my open window I can hear the twittering of the birds outside. A little while ago I looked out on the front lawn and there was a bright red cardinal and a big robin red breast hopping around in the grass. It was fun to watch them.
On days like this I can relax and enjoy the great blessings I enjoy. I have many concerns about the future of this country and the dangers we are facing, but it is good to sit back and remember our blessings too. God does not want us to despair at the things we see going wrong around us. Man is that he might have joy. We do need to stay informed and involved though. All good men must be heard if we are to protect the sacred freedoms that so many have given so much for us to have.
On days like this I can relax and enjoy the great blessings I enjoy. I have many concerns about the future of this country and the dangers we are facing, but it is good to sit back and remember our blessings too. God does not want us to despair at the things we see going wrong around us. Man is that he might have joy. We do need to stay informed and involved though. All good men must be heard if we are to protect the sacred freedoms that so many have given so much for us to have.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tea Parties are an inspiration
I wish I could have taken part in a tea party yesterday. If there was any way I could have, I would have been there waving a flag and carrying a sign. I loved watching the coverage on TV. I was there in my heart. I have thought about what my sign would say. I have a couple of ideas:
"Shame on you Obama and Congress!"
"Government of the people, not Government over the people"
"Enough is enough! Quit spending our children's money!"
I really hope these protests make a difference. Everyone that participated is a hero. Standing up to be heard on issues you care about it very important. This blog is one way I am trying to be heard.
What amazes me is the obtuseness of the media. They are so one-sided and blind to any opposing view. The journalists of today see themselves as crusaders to change the world, into their ideologically perfect society. The press has a great responsibility inform the world of all views so that the best can rise to the top. But they have forgotten that. They want to lead people away from any ideas except their 'politically correct' ideas. A pox on the main stream media.
"Shame on you Obama and Congress!"
"Government of the people, not Government over the people"
"Enough is enough! Quit spending our children's money!"
I really hope these protests make a difference. Everyone that participated is a hero. Standing up to be heard on issues you care about it very important. This blog is one way I am trying to be heard.
What amazes me is the obtuseness of the media. They are so one-sided and blind to any opposing view. The journalists of today see themselves as crusaders to change the world, into their ideologically perfect society. The press has a great responsibility inform the world of all views so that the best can rise to the top. But they have forgotten that. They want to lead people away from any ideas except their 'politically correct' ideas. A pox on the main stream media.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Take that Pirates!
I'm so happy that the captured ship's captain Richard Phillips was rescued by our navy. The piracy problem is horrible and ridiculous. Why those ships aren't well armed and able to protect themselves is beyond me. I know it has something to do with maritime laws and the reluctance of the countries with ports to allow them to come into port when they are armed, but something needs to change.
I know that this situation could have turned out much worse. This was a relatively small pirate operation. Where 3 or 4 boats usually attack, only 1 did. They overreached I believe, but holding a hostage gave them quite a bit of power. The desire of the navy to protect the life of the captain was a priority. I'm sure his family is very thankful for that. The patience and care of the navy paid off. They were able to use snipers to take out the pirates and free the captain. I'm glad Obama authorized the use of force. If he hadn't he would have had a huge national hue and cry on his hands.
There are about 250 more hostages being held by pirates. They are from other nations, but I can't help but think of their families and how much they are worried about them. The pirates have been getting wealthy from the ransoms and that is causing the piracy to increase. More and more young men are wanting to get rich by becoming pirates. Something has to be done! But what? Until the international community (if there even is an international community out there) decides to take steps to stop it, then it will get worse.
I wonder if this incident will cause the pirates to target American ships for revenge, or if they will avoid American ships because they fear retribution. That is yet to be seen.
I know that this situation could have turned out much worse. This was a relatively small pirate operation. Where 3 or 4 boats usually attack, only 1 did. They overreached I believe, but holding a hostage gave them quite a bit of power. The desire of the navy to protect the life of the captain was a priority. I'm sure his family is very thankful for that. The patience and care of the navy paid off. They were able to use snipers to take out the pirates and free the captain. I'm glad Obama authorized the use of force. If he hadn't he would have had a huge national hue and cry on his hands.
There are about 250 more hostages being held by pirates. They are from other nations, but I can't help but think of their families and how much they are worried about them. The pirates have been getting wealthy from the ransoms and that is causing the piracy to increase. More and more young men are wanting to get rich by becoming pirates. Something has to be done! But what? Until the international community (if there even is an international community out there) decides to take steps to stop it, then it will get worse.
I wonder if this incident will cause the pirates to target American ships for revenge, or if they will avoid American ships because they fear retribution. That is yet to be seen.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
10 Things That Infuriate Me About Obama
What are some things about the Obama Presidency that infuriate me?
1. While saying that we must reduce the number of abortions, he is doing all he can to increase the number of abortions. Reversing the policy of not funding foreign abortions is a horrendous policy. Any kind of government funded abortion is dead wrong - domestic or foreign. Of course I think abortion is wrong in almost every case. Abortions should be carried out in only the most serious situations of choosing between the mothers life or death.
2. White House officials have indicated that President Barack Obama will likely rescind the Provider Conscience Clause. This would remove the protection given to Health Care workers who refuse to participate in abortions. How evil can they get? They force us to participate in abortions by using our tax dollars, and now they will force health care workers to actually perform the abortions, even though it is against their moral values. This is Satan inspired. It is becoming very clear which voice in his ear that Obama is listening to.
3. He is weakening our military and missile defense systems. Just like in the Carter years, and later the Clinton years, the military will take a back seat to the many liberal gimme gimme gimme programs that Obama and the democratic congress are putting forward. He has already said he will do away with the missile defense systems. This is suicide in my opinion. With some really bad characters in the world rapidly developing the means to bomb the heck out of us and our allies and indeed use nuclear weapons to do it, we should be pouring money into the missile defense systems. These systems were laughed at in Reagan's time. 'Star Wars' as it was called is now a reality, but one that Obama is determined to kill. Again - this is suicide.
4. He thinks he can reason with Iran and other enemies of the United States. Apparently, Obama doesn't recognize that these people are determined to destroy us and our way of life. They aren't just mad because we were mean to them or something. They hate us. They are convinced that their mission in life is to establish Islam throughout the world and force everyone to live it or accept it or die. They don't care what we think of them, they just want us destroyed. If Obama can't understand that, then he is a very dangerous man to be leading our country at this time.
5. He is running this country into such a huge debt, that most people can't even see a way that we will ever recover. This isn't just irresponsible, it is criminal. He, and his Congressional accomplices are spending the money that generations to come have yet to earn. This weakens us further in the world and puts us under a huge obligation to China.
6. His financial policies punish the achievers and producers of the country and reward the do-nothings. He thinks it is his right to 'redistribute the wealth', as if the wealth is his. He can redistribute his own wealth, but he needs to let the earners decide for themselves who they want to share with, if anyone. He is rapidly bringing socialism on our country. Socialism will destroy this country, just as it has either destroyed or greatly weakened every other country where it has been the economic system.
7. He is using the propaganda of 'global warming' to further enslave the people of this country. Cap and Trade taxes will drive many people further into debt and make it impossible for our economy to prosper. When the oceans don't rise, I'm sure he will take credit for it, even though they were never going to rise anyway. Right now he is spouting some magic technology that will be developed to 'cool the planet'. What arrogance to think mans measly efforts can do anything of significance to this planet.
8. He keeps telling the world that this country has been wrong, wrong, wrong! He is apologizing for our country being arrogant, or pursuing policies that are in our interest, but not the interests of the world. He is looking to the UN to solve the problems we face internationally, when it is clear that the UN is held captive by the veto votes of Russia and China. But let's all hold hands and sing Koombya and I'm sure we will get along after that...
9. He lies. The man is flat dishonest. He couldn't tell the truth without choking on it. That may seem harsh, but he tells us what he thinks we want to hear and then he does the opposite. The examples seem to go on without end. His crazy accounting of how he will bring the deficit under control, that he wants abortion rates to drop, that he didn't bow to Prince whoever from Saudi Arabia... my goodness, have you seen that video? It was a very clear bow. You have to laugh when you watch it and read the claims of his aids that it wasn't a bow. Sometimes his dishonesty is of a more vague variety. Say as little as possible, trying to word it just right so that people will hear out of it what they want to hear. He is a word merchant. Selling a bill of goods that he has no intention of fulfilling. But people line up like good little sheep to fall all over themselves for him.
10. He is like the pied piper playing his magic flute as he leads this country happily and willingly right over the precipice. There are many people that are not following the piper, but way too many people are. We need a way to wake them up, so they can quit being lulled by the sweet but toxic music of the Pied Piper Obama.
1. While saying that we must reduce the number of abortions, he is doing all he can to increase the number of abortions. Reversing the policy of not funding foreign abortions is a horrendous policy. Any kind of government funded abortion is dead wrong - domestic or foreign. Of course I think abortion is wrong in almost every case. Abortions should be carried out in only the most serious situations of choosing between the mothers life or death.
2. White House officials have indicated that President Barack Obama will likely rescind the Provider Conscience Clause. This would remove the protection given to Health Care workers who refuse to participate in abortions. How evil can they get? They force us to participate in abortions by using our tax dollars, and now they will force health care workers to actually perform the abortions, even though it is against their moral values. This is Satan inspired. It is becoming very clear which voice in his ear that Obama is listening to.
3. He is weakening our military and missile defense systems. Just like in the Carter years, and later the Clinton years, the military will take a back seat to the many liberal gimme gimme gimme programs that Obama and the democratic congress are putting forward. He has already said he will do away with the missile defense systems. This is suicide in my opinion. With some really bad characters in the world rapidly developing the means to bomb the heck out of us and our allies and indeed use nuclear weapons to do it, we should be pouring money into the missile defense systems. These systems were laughed at in Reagan's time. 'Star Wars' as it was called is now a reality, but one that Obama is determined to kill. Again - this is suicide.
4. He thinks he can reason with Iran and other enemies of the United States. Apparently, Obama doesn't recognize that these people are determined to destroy us and our way of life. They aren't just mad because we were mean to them or something. They hate us. They are convinced that their mission in life is to establish Islam throughout the world and force everyone to live it or accept it or die. They don't care what we think of them, they just want us destroyed. If Obama can't understand that, then he is a very dangerous man to be leading our country at this time.
5. He is running this country into such a huge debt, that most people can't even see a way that we will ever recover. This isn't just irresponsible, it is criminal. He, and his Congressional accomplices are spending the money that generations to come have yet to earn. This weakens us further in the world and puts us under a huge obligation to China.
6. His financial policies punish the achievers and producers of the country and reward the do-nothings. He thinks it is his right to 'redistribute the wealth', as if the wealth is his. He can redistribute his own wealth, but he needs to let the earners decide for themselves who they want to share with, if anyone. He is rapidly bringing socialism on our country. Socialism will destroy this country, just as it has either destroyed or greatly weakened every other country where it has been the economic system.
7. He is using the propaganda of 'global warming' to further enslave the people of this country. Cap and Trade taxes will drive many people further into debt and make it impossible for our economy to prosper. When the oceans don't rise, I'm sure he will take credit for it, even though they were never going to rise anyway. Right now he is spouting some magic technology that will be developed to 'cool the planet'. What arrogance to think mans measly efforts can do anything of significance to this planet.
8. He keeps telling the world that this country has been wrong, wrong, wrong! He is apologizing for our country being arrogant, or pursuing policies that are in our interest, but not the interests of the world. He is looking to the UN to solve the problems we face internationally, when it is clear that the UN is held captive by the veto votes of Russia and China. But let's all hold hands and sing Koombya and I'm sure we will get along after that...
9. He lies. The man is flat dishonest. He couldn't tell the truth without choking on it. That may seem harsh, but he tells us what he thinks we want to hear and then he does the opposite. The examples seem to go on without end. His crazy accounting of how he will bring the deficit under control, that he wants abortion rates to drop, that he didn't bow to Prince whoever from Saudi Arabia... my goodness, have you seen that video? It was a very clear bow. You have to laugh when you watch it and read the claims of his aids that it wasn't a bow. Sometimes his dishonesty is of a more vague variety. Say as little as possible, trying to word it just right so that people will hear out of it what they want to hear. He is a word merchant. Selling a bill of goods that he has no intention of fulfilling. But people line up like good little sheep to fall all over themselves for him.
10. He is like the pied piper playing his magic flute as he leads this country happily and willingly right over the precipice. There are many people that are not following the piper, but way too many people are. We need a way to wake them up, so they can quit being lulled by the sweet but toxic music of the Pied Piper Obama.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The great Obama Apology Tour
As Obama has moved regally through Europe accepting all the accolades that come his way, I have been appalled at what he is doing. Why is he apologizing for America? Yes, America has made mistakes, but we have done much more to help Europe than hurt Europe. Obama learned his anti-American lessons well at the feet of Reverend Wright. I hope all you who voted for Obama are proud of this ridiculous clown. Obama - get a clue... America is the greatest nation on earth. Do us a favor and quit apologizing. At the very least make clear what great and good things that America has done for the world.
Doesn't he know that when you try to make a new friend by making an old friend look bad, then you are no kind of a friend at all?
Doesn't he know that when you try to make a new friend by making an old friend look bad, then you are no kind of a friend at all?
Friday, April 3, 2009
Obama's European Fans
As I have watched the news reports of Obama in Europe, I have had mixed feelings. In some ways it is nice that the people of Europe think he is great. But as I think about it further, I realize that Obama is loved in Europe for the very reasons that I think he is dangerous for America. He wants to be loved by the world, but we don’t need a president that is loved by the world. We need a president that can make the tough choices and do what is right for America. The steps President Bush took to protect this country made him very unpopular in many parts of the world, but he was successful in protecting this nation. He succeeded in stopping Islamic terrorist fanatics from increasing their destruction to our country. For a very long time, Europe has been unable to protect themselves and have had to look elsewhere for security. Most often they look to America. And even though they depend on America, they resent our strength and technological advances. There is a great deal of jealousy in Europe toward America.
As I listened to Obama speak yesterday, I realized that his words mean nothing. We have heard him speak so many times, and then later learned that he was telling us what we wanted to hear, but in the end what he had determined to do all along. He is busily taking this nation from a capitalist free enterprise country to one that is more and more a socialist nation. He will continue to say what people want to hear, but we should not be deceived. We need to recognize that his goals are set, and have been set for a very long time. He is a huge believer in big government. He wants the government to control as many aspects of society and business, and indeed our very lives, as he can get. His megalomaniac personality shows that he believes he is what we all need. He, and those who think like him, believe that they must be in power and increase their power, so that they can make sure the country is run their way.
I believe there are socialists that believe it is best to force people to live under a socialist government so everyone will be taken care of. It has been proved many times that this just doesn’t work, but they keep trying. But I also believe that for some people, and I think Obama is in this category, socialism is a way to gain more power. I believe he thinks he has the right to power. I believe he is a dangerous man. And with this in mind, it makes me sad to see the Europeans so in love with him. I hope they don’t ever find themselves in a position to again need the USA and it’s military strength, but we aren’t able to help, because we have been so weakened that we too are helpless. Time will tell
As I listened to Obama speak yesterday, I realized that his words mean nothing. We have heard him speak so many times, and then later learned that he was telling us what we wanted to hear, but in the end what he had determined to do all along. He is busily taking this nation from a capitalist free enterprise country to one that is more and more a socialist nation. He will continue to say what people want to hear, but we should not be deceived. We need to recognize that his goals are set, and have been set for a very long time. He is a huge believer in big government. He wants the government to control as many aspects of society and business, and indeed our very lives, as he can get. His megalomaniac personality shows that he believes he is what we all need. He, and those who think like him, believe that they must be in power and increase their power, so that they can make sure the country is run their way.
I believe there are socialists that believe it is best to force people to live under a socialist government so everyone will be taken care of. It has been proved many times that this just doesn’t work, but they keep trying. But I also believe that for some people, and I think Obama is in this category, socialism is a way to gain more power. I believe he thinks he has the right to power. I believe he is a dangerous man. And with this in mind, it makes me sad to see the Europeans so in love with him. I hope they don’t ever find themselves in a position to again need the USA and it’s military strength, but we aren’t able to help, because we have been so weakened that we too are helpless. Time will tell
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Global Warming - A Pet Peeve
One of my political pet peeves is the whole Global Warming thing. For one thing I believe this planet was designed and created by God. He created it for a specific purpose and that purpose will not be frustrated or stopped by modern man's industrialization. He created this earth with full knowledge of what we would do once we inhabited it. It was created strong enough to withstand our 'modern world'. I do believe we have a responsibility to take care of the earth and keep it beautiful and clean. We must use it's resources wisely. But those who push the global warming theory are trying to frighten us into bad choices that will harm this great nation and take away numerous freedoms we now enjoy. I believe that power hungry men are driving this whole mess. Their ultimate purpose is not to save the earth, but to push for government control over more and more of our lives. I think there are many dupes who honestly believe the Global warming propaganda, but they have been blinded by the 'subtle craftiness of men' as it says in the scriptures.
No one should willingly fall into the global warming hysteria without first looking at the studies and scientific proof of those who work to disprove the wild claims of the global warming community. Here are some links that can get them started:
U.S. Senate report
No one should willingly fall into the global warming hysteria without first looking at the studies and scientific proof of those who work to disprove the wild claims of the global warming community. Here are some links that can get them started:
U.S. Senate report
Friday, March 27, 2009
Obama's ridiculous online townhall meeting
A lot of people have been touting Obama's online townhall meeting as a breakthrough and an important way for the President to speak directly to the American people. I'm sorry, I think it was a way for Obama to be able to put on a show about how accessible he was and how open he is about his policies, without really doing either one. His staff sorted through the thousands of questions that were submitted and then they selected the ones he would answer. They said the would choose the most often asked questions, and they may have, I don't know. What I do know, is that Obama is not good at answering questions without lots of prep time. By preselecting the questions, his handlers could carefully craft his answers in such a way that would really not commit him to anything.
More and more I'm coming to believe that Obama is to a great extent a puppet for a group of power hungry people that are bent on changing America to be more socialist or at the least to follow a more European model of government. He has always tied himself to people like that. The radicals and power monsters.
My point is, can't the American people see how he duped them with this monstrosity of a 'townhall meeting'. In a real townhall meeting he would have been expected to take questions from people and come up with the answers, hopefully with some degree of knowledge and understanding of the problem and the answer. His problem is, that he can't be totally honest with the people. He knows that if he really told people what he wants to accomplish, he would enrage a big majority of this country.
More and more I'm coming to believe that Obama is to a great extent a puppet for a group of power hungry people that are bent on changing America to be more socialist or at the least to follow a more European model of government. He has always tied himself to people like that. The radicals and power monsters.
My point is, can't the American people see how he duped them with this monstrosity of a 'townhall meeting'. In a real townhall meeting he would have been expected to take questions from people and come up with the answers, hopefully with some degree of knowledge and understanding of the problem and the answer. His problem is, that he can't be totally honest with the people. He knows that if he really told people what he wants to accomplish, he would enrage a big majority of this country.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Obama's foreign policy
So far I am not very impressed with Obama's foreign policy efforts. I'm beginning to worry that he is going to put our country in danger of becoming a much weaker nation. It took years to overcome the missteps of Carter, and we were very fortunate to have a really good foreign policy president come in behind him. I am a believer in the saying 'Peace through Strength', but I'm afraid Obama is all about 'Peace through Talk'. I agree that diplomacy and talk are important but if you don't back up the talk with a willingness to use your military and weapons then you are asking for the enemies (and there are many of those) of our country to attempt to destroy us. There are truly evil men out there that are waiting for America to blink. It seems to me that Obama is not just blinking, he is closing his eyes and turning his head to the true dangers that can befall us. His liberal ideology, unfortunately, makes him suspicious of our military. The efforts of the politically correct to refuse to label such dangers as Radical Islam as a danger to America, has made Obama much more likely to be weak in his dealings with them.
I read an excellent article from the Washington Post on this topic. It is an article by Ralph Peters.
Here is the link: O'S FOREIGN FAILURES
I read an excellent article from the Washington Post on this topic. It is an article by Ralph Peters.
Here is the link: O'S FOREIGN FAILURES
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What kind of America will our grandchildren inherit?
Today, as I was babysitting my two grandchildren and from time to time checking out the latest writings by bloggers and newspeople, I couldn't help but wonder what kind of America they will inherit. I feel pretty confident that the America that Obama and his sidekicks see for them will be one of massive government control. From everything that he has said, I believe that he thinks that government is the solution to all of the ills of society. How he can believe this, without any example of success I don't know. His drive for power, along with the arrogance of his belief that he is always in the right, makes for a dangerous combination.
He continually says 'the buck stops here' and then immediately goes on to lay the blame for everything that goes wrong somewhere else. Obama has a whole team of handlers. They work hard to bring about their socialist agenda. Obama is the front man. His charisma and, should I say it? Yes, I will say it, ...his blackness make him the perfect front man for their plans. Wow this sounds so 'conspiracy theoryist'. I don't mean that there is a huge conspiracy theory of evil men undermining America. What I do believe is that there is a group of people who have realized that they can remake America to be what they think it should be. The voters that put them in office are responsible, but in fairness to the those voters, I think that the media played a big part in creating the myth that is Obama. I don't believe that most of the voters that voted for him saw anything more than their own hopes for the country reflected in his campaign. He was careful to keep most of the agenda hidden. Those of us who paid attention to his past associations and memberships had a better idea of what he was really for. The average voter thought that he would come in and fix this or that. Whatever they were worried about. I'm sure most Americans don't want our military weakened or our homeland security weakened. But he is well on the road to both of those goals. Most Americans probably don't want every household saddled with higher taxes, but that is also happening and will happen even worse when he succeeds in pushing through the cap and trade legislation.
As we have watched him in office a lot of us have begun to think he isn't really very smart. The fact that he can't speak without a teleprompter tells us that the claim that he is a far better communicator that Bush is a myth. The people he has tried to put in his cabinet and in important government posts show us that he is a bad judge of character, or maybe he only knows bad characters. Birds of a feather.... How many of his appointees have serious tax issues or other issues with the law.
I don't know if my grandchildren will have a strong America to inherit. There is time to turn things around, but can we do it? With the class warfare that is being pushed by Obama and his goons, is it possible for hard working Americans to protect their incomes and their success from the thievery of others. In the name of wealth distribution, what further strides will we take from the great and wonderful country our founding fathers established.
He continually says 'the buck stops here' and then immediately goes on to lay the blame for everything that goes wrong somewhere else. Obama has a whole team of handlers. They work hard to bring about their socialist agenda. Obama is the front man. His charisma and, should I say it? Yes, I will say it, ...his blackness make him the perfect front man for their plans. Wow this sounds so 'conspiracy theoryist'. I don't mean that there is a huge conspiracy theory of evil men undermining America. What I do believe is that there is a group of people who have realized that they can remake America to be what they think it should be. The voters that put them in office are responsible, but in fairness to the those voters, I think that the media played a big part in creating the myth that is Obama. I don't believe that most of the voters that voted for him saw anything more than their own hopes for the country reflected in his campaign. He was careful to keep most of the agenda hidden. Those of us who paid attention to his past associations and memberships had a better idea of what he was really for. The average voter thought that he would come in and fix this or that. Whatever they were worried about. I'm sure most Americans don't want our military weakened or our homeland security weakened. But he is well on the road to both of those goals. Most Americans probably don't want every household saddled with higher taxes, but that is also happening and will happen even worse when he succeeds in pushing through the cap and trade legislation.
As we have watched him in office a lot of us have begun to think he isn't really very smart. The fact that he can't speak without a teleprompter tells us that the claim that he is a far better communicator that Bush is a myth. The people he has tried to put in his cabinet and in important government posts show us that he is a bad judge of character, or maybe he only knows bad characters. Birds of a feather.... How many of his appointees have serious tax issues or other issues with the law.
I don't know if my grandchildren will have a strong America to inherit. There is time to turn things around, but can we do it? With the class warfare that is being pushed by Obama and his goons, is it possible for hard working Americans to protect their incomes and their success from the thievery of others. In the name of wealth distribution, what further strides will we take from the great and wonderful country our founding fathers established.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Finding my voice
I love America. I have lived out of this country. I spent a year and a half in foreign country. While there I missed the USA very much. When I returned, the sight of our country's flag brought tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to have been born here and to have the great benefits of citizenship in this country. Since I have lived where you had to watch every word you spoke, I truly value our free speech rights. I know that there is an effort to shut down the voices of people who speak out against the current administration. There are people who think talk radio is too dominated by conservative voices. They probably understand that this is because followers of liberalism have plenty of voices in the main stream media, college campuses, etc., but because conservative voices are dominant in talk radio it makes a great target.
Why the liberals in this country scream for diversity, but then try to shut down those who try to express different ideas than liberal ideology is beyond me. Don't they understand how a full and engaged discussion of public policy and the direction of this country is essential for it's survival?
We all need a way to speak out. We must make our voices heard. We need to educate ourselves and become knowledgeable about the issues this country is facing. From immigration to global warming, from taxes, to Islamic terrorism. There is much that we must face and take a stand on.
In this blog I will be 'speaking out for America' and the direction I believe we need to take.
Why the liberals in this country scream for diversity, but then try to shut down those who try to express different ideas than liberal ideology is beyond me. Don't they understand how a full and engaged discussion of public policy and the direction of this country is essential for it's survival?
We all need a way to speak out. We must make our voices heard. We need to educate ourselves and become knowledgeable about the issues this country is facing. From immigration to global warming, from taxes, to Islamic terrorism. There is much that we must face and take a stand on.
In this blog I will be 'speaking out for America' and the direction I believe we need to take.

I decided that starting a blog that was just for my thoughts and feelings was a good idea. I read a lot and listen a lot, but I seldom have the opportunity to express my opinions and thoughts. Putting them on a blog seems like a great way for me to be able to express myself on issues that are important to me. Being a conservative Republican makes me one of the minority right now, but I am not powerless. I have a voice. I have a vote.
As shown in the last election, all too many people are content to vote their emotions. Many, many people voted for Obama based solely on the fact that they were impressed with his speaking ability. Since he expresses himself well he must be able to solve all problems, right? There were many red flags raised that people should have taken note of. His ideas and his connections showed him to be a radical in many ways. His lack of substance and inexperience should have alerted people that he does not even really know what he's doing. He is like the kid who leaves for college thinking he owns the world and that he knows it all, only to discover that he is really just a babe in the woods.
I have a great fear though, that with Obama it isn't just that he is inexperienced, but that he has a firm determination to remake this country into the form that he thinks is best. He has expressed often that the constitution is flawed and needs to be 'fixed'. He has made hero's out of such radicals as Saul Alinsky. He is dead wrong about the constitution. I believe it was a document that was inspired by God. The United States was a gift given to the world by God.
I believe that God still rules and is still in charge, but he has given his children free choice. If we make unrighteous choices, he will allow us to reap the consequences.
Do I think all is lost? No. Do I think we are in danger of losing it all? Yes. So I must speak out. I must express myself. Even if no one ever reads my posts, they will help me organize my thoughts and enable me to express them better when given the opportunity in conversation with others.
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