Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Who is whispering in Obama's ear?

I haven't posted in awhile. I have been reading and studying the current news and commentary though. At this point I see nothing to raise my spirits about the direction the Obama Administration is taking this country. Obama is a dangerous egomaniac. I know those are very strong words. But how in the world can a man with his VERY limited experience think he knows enough to make such dramatic and intense changes to our society and government. He campaigned on Hope and Change. Well, the change part he has down pat. It is the hope part that is sadly lacking.

The only hope I see in this only thing is the weakening hope that our country will survive this administration. They have only been in office a short time and already there are numerous evidences of corruption, cronyism, and Power grabs. They have nationalized a very important part of the economy (banks, and the auto industry) and they have big plans to nationalize the Health Care industry which makes up 1/5th of our countries economy. Yes, socialism is on the march. Socialism has always been a dangerous and criminal method of throwing power to a few corrupt men. It is not a system that works, but because of it's great promise of power many men and women continue to pursue it.

My personal beliefs are the it is a tool used by that great deceiver, Satan, to enslave men. His ultimate goal is to make men miserable. One important step to this is to take away their freedom, and to subject them to the will of evil and powerful men. Since this is my belief, it is easy to see how I also believe that Obama is a tool for Satan. I don't think he has purposely signed on to do the devil's work for him, but I do believe that Satan is using Obama's extreme self-love to push him to grab for more and more power and world acclaim. Where does Obama's inspiration come from? With his support for extreme methods of abortion like partial birth abortion (and indeed for any abortion), his backing of those who would destroy Israel, and his policies that remove more and more freedoms from Americans, I think it is clear that the one who whispers in Obama's ear is not the Being whose ways lead to peace and happiness, but the one who leads people down a much darker path.

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