Thursday, April 9, 2009

10 Things That Infuriate Me About Obama

What are some things about the Obama Presidency that infuriate me?

1. While saying that we must reduce the number of abortions, he is doing all he can to increase the number of abortions. Reversing the policy of not funding foreign abortions is a horrendous policy. Any kind of government funded abortion is dead wrong - domestic or foreign. Of course I think abortion is wrong in almost every case. Abortions should be carried out in only the most serious situations of choosing between the mothers life or death.
2. White House officials have indicated that President Barack Obama will likely rescind the Provider Conscience Clause. This would remove the protection given to Health Care workers who refuse to participate in abortions. How evil can they get? They force us to participate in abortions by using our tax dollars, and now they will force health care workers to actually perform the abortions, even though it is against their moral values. This is Satan inspired. It is becoming very clear which voice in his ear that Obama is listening to.
3. He is weakening our military and missile defense systems. Just like in the Carter years, and later the Clinton years, the military will take a back seat to the many liberal gimme gimme gimme programs that Obama and the democratic congress are putting forward. He has already said he will do away with the missile defense systems. This is suicide in my opinion. With some really bad characters in the world rapidly developing the means to bomb the heck out of us and our allies and indeed use nuclear weapons to do it, we should be pouring money into the missile defense systems. These systems were laughed at in Reagan's time. 'Star Wars' as it was called is now a reality, but one that Obama is determined to kill. Again - this is suicide.
4. He thinks he can reason with Iran and other enemies of the United States. Apparently, Obama doesn't recognize that these people are determined to destroy us and our way of life. They aren't just mad because we were mean to them or something. They hate us. They are convinced that their mission in life is to establish Islam throughout the world and force everyone to live it or accept it or die. They don't care what we think of them, they just want us destroyed. If Obama can't understand that, then he is a very dangerous man to be leading our country at this time.
5. He is running this country into such a huge debt, that most people can't even see a way that we will ever recover. This isn't just irresponsible, it is criminal. He, and his Congressional accomplices are spending the money that generations to come have yet to earn. This weakens us further in the world and puts us under a huge obligation to China.
6. His financial policies punish the achievers and producers of the country and reward the do-nothings. He thinks it is his right to 'redistribute the wealth', as if the wealth is his. He can redistribute his own wealth, but he needs to let the earners decide for themselves who they want to share with, if anyone. He is rapidly bringing socialism on our country. Socialism will destroy this country, just as it has either destroyed or greatly weakened every other country where it has been the economic system.
7. He is using the propaganda of 'global warming' to further enslave the people of this country. Cap and Trade taxes will drive many people further into debt and make it impossible for our economy to prosper. When the oceans don't rise, I'm sure he will take credit for it, even though they were never going to rise anyway. Right now he is spouting some magic technology that will be developed to 'cool the planet'. What arrogance to think mans measly efforts can do anything of significance to this planet.
8. He keeps telling the world that this country has been wrong, wrong, wrong! He is apologizing for our country being arrogant, or pursuing policies that are in our interest, but not the interests of the world. He is looking to the UN to solve the problems we face internationally, when it is clear that the UN is held captive by the veto votes of Russia and China. But let's all hold hands and sing Koombya and I'm sure we will get along after that...
9. He lies. The man is flat dishonest. He couldn't tell the truth without choking on it. That may seem harsh, but he tells us what he thinks we want to hear and then he does the opposite. The examples seem to go on without end. His crazy accounting of how he will bring the deficit under control, that he wants abortion rates to drop, that he didn't bow to Prince whoever from Saudi Arabia... my goodness, have you seen that video? It was a very clear bow. You have to laugh when you watch it and read the claims of his aids that it wasn't a bow. Sometimes his dishonesty is of a more vague variety. Say as little as possible, trying to word it just right so that people will hear out of it what they want to hear. He is a word merchant. Selling a bill of goods that he has no intention of fulfilling. But people line up like good little sheep to fall all over themselves for him.
10. He is like the pied piper playing his magic flute as he leads this country happily and willingly right over the precipice. There are many people that are not following the piper, but way too many people are. We need a way to wake them up, so they can quit being lulled by the sweet but toxic music of the Pied Piper Obama.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Did I really raise this Daughter who is such an astute oveserver, and with her Blog "Speaking Out For America" such a great commentator of our (sad) present governmental condition. Brovo - Lynn - You make great sense and even get your Dad to thinking! Right on ------
    Love Dad
