Saturday, August 29, 2009

A few ideas on health care reform

The efforts of powerful men to undermine the foundations of this great country are becoming more and more evident and more and more frightening. Right now the big debate is about Health Care reform. I have to say that this has been coming for a long time. Most people in this country see a need for some reforms in the way our health insurance industry meets the health care of the people in the country. Because of the switch to employer paid health care back about 60 years ago, health insurance has become an important part of employment. Most people find it very hard to switch jobs, or to open their own business because they are afraid to lose their insurance. Once you develop a serious health condition, you better not lose your current health insurance because you won't be able to get more.
Reforms need to address the portability of insurance and the dependence on insurance continuing to cover you despite a serious illness. Reforms also need to address tort reform. The extremely large payouts from law suits encourages more and more law suits and like pigs to a trough, the lawyers just continue to push and push. Tort reform is going to be tough because of the power of the lawyers lobbyists. Democrats are forced to protect them because of their huge financial support to democrats. As long as democrats are in power there just will not be tort reform. It won't happen.
Government regulation is a huge cause of the big financial burden that the health industry carries, and passes onto us, the consumers. All insurance is regulated on what they have to include in the policy. Things that most of us don't want to pay for insurance for. It is forced on us. I won't go into the details about it. It is well written about on the internet. To be honest I don't fully understand it, but facts are facts, and regulation in any industry creates much unnecessary cost. I would love to see more free market ideas let loose on the insurance industry.
This country has one of the greatest health care industries in the world. Let's not ruin it, but crushing it under a government run program. Government needs to pull out of the health care industry as much as possible. At this place in time I would say that the chance of that happening is about as great as me giving up chocolate for the next year!