Tuesday, April 21, 2009

What is wrong with our President?

Dear Mr. Obama
What is wrong with you? Are you really as weak kneed and lilly livered as you appear, or do you really dislike America as much as they say you do? Why would you travel all over Europe and now South America and tell the world how bad America is. I am trying to understand. Is it because you are the product of a dysfunctional family? Is it because you are the product of Chicago politics? Were you that influenced by the hate monger Reverend Wright? What is it from your past that has made you a jiggly blob of jelly when it comes to standing up for America? You should be proudly representing all that is good in this country. You should be telling the world that our people have sacrificed greatly to help many many countries and we stand ready to do so again and again. You should be defending America from her detractors and announcing to the world that this is a country of hard working, honest, intelligent, caring people. When I see your sniveling crawling attitude to the biggest villians in South America I could just throw up. They lie through their teeth and try to blame all that is wrong in their country on us, when it is obvious that their corrupt and socialist ways have led to the disasters they face with their economies and other problems. They present books to you that loudly proclaim that the US is responsible for the problems they have and you just smile and say thankyou. When they try to blame America for any and everything they don't want to take responsibility for, you just smile and say, "I hope you aren't trying to blame me for things that happened when I was 3 months old."
Mr. Obama, you are an embarrassment to all of us. We tried to elect a leader that would lead. We wanted someone that would help America stand strong in trying and difficult times. What did we get? Apparently we got a sniveling coward.
But maybe I have it all wrong. Is this just part of your plan to destroy this country. You early on decided that you had a gift. You had a silver tongue and with that silver tongue you could persuade masses of people to follow you wherever you led, even if it meant remaking America into some kind of weak international underling. Is your plan to take what was once the mightiest, proudest, most capable country on earth and turn it into another 3rd world country? I'm really starting to believe that you have no real attachment to this country. Oh you have said you do. But those were just words to get elected. Your actions speak much louder than your words. You have more loyalty to the idea of the international community than you do to America.
Your wife clued us in when she said, "For the first time in my life, I am proud of my country." For a person to have reached her age and never been proud of this great country, means that she, and by association you, do not like America and think that all she has is faults and evils. You are wrong. Dead wrong. If you can't see the greatness and the selflessness of the American people, then there is no hope for you. You sir are blind to the best and the brightest star this world has.
May God hold you accountable for every move you make that destroys lives (of the born and unborn), that drives more debt on us, and that emboldens our enemies. Believe me, you will stand before the great judgement seat of God and he will hold you accountable. Your silver tongue won't protect you from that judgement, for God will know your heart.
It isn't too late to change. You can turn over a new leaf and begin to protect and defend this country from it's enemies instead of lunch with them and apologize for America.
Mr. Obama...America....Love it or leave it.
A very concerned citizen

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