Saturday, March 28, 2009

Global Warming - A Pet Peeve

One of my political pet peeves is the whole Global Warming thing. For one thing I believe this planet was designed and created by God. He created it for a specific purpose and that purpose will not be frustrated or stopped by modern man's industrialization. He created this earth with full knowledge of what we would do once we inhabited it. It was created strong enough to withstand our 'modern world'. I do believe we have a responsibility to take care of the earth and keep it beautiful and clean. We must use it's resources wisely. But those who push the global warming theory are trying to frighten us into bad choices that will harm this great nation and take away numerous freedoms we now enjoy. I believe that power hungry men are driving this whole mess. Their ultimate purpose is not to save the earth, but to push for government control over more and more of our lives. I think there are many dupes who honestly believe the Global warming propaganda, but they have been blinded by the 'subtle craftiness of men' as it says in the scriptures.

No one should willingly fall into the global warming hysteria without first looking at the studies and scientific proof of those who work to disprove the wild claims of the global warming community. Here are some links that can get them started:

U.S. Senate report

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