Thursday, April 30, 2009

America on the brink

I fear for my country. I fear that we may be digging a financial hole too big to get out of. I fear that we have traded strength and security for a silver tongue. I fear that too many people have no personal investment in the success and strength of this country. They don't pay any taxes, they don't vote, they don't care. I fear that those who do vote, are basing their votes on which politicians will tell them what they want to hear. They don't listen when someone tells them what they need to hear. I fear that there are too many people who look to the false Gods of Hollywood as a guide to their actions.

But America isn't done yet. With God's help, we can overcome this cycle of far left liberal control of our government. There are huge numbers of people in this country that are becoming more and more concerned and even enraged over the dangerous path Obama and his goons are taking.

I believe in peace through strength, Obama believes in peace through nice friendly chats and lots of apologizing. I believe that it is right that the hard working and intelligent and creative, and yes, even the lucky should be allowed to succeed and have more money than me. Obama believes that all incomes should be even, and that people who want to sit on their porch and drink beer instead of getting a job deserve to be supported by those who are putting in the long hard days of work. He believes that those who work and sacrifice and take huge chances and then succeed should only receive as much as the lazy and shiftless. This is societal suicide. People will either be discouraged from making more money, which builds and drives the economy, or they will begin to leave the country

We can still have hope, but things look bad right now. We can't be fainthearted. We must stand up for what we believe in. We must let our voices be heard.

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