Sunday, March 22, 2009

Finding my voice

I love America. I have lived out of this country. I spent a year and a half in foreign country. While there I missed the USA very much. When I returned, the sight of our country's flag brought tears to my eyes. I feel so blessed to have been born here and to have the great benefits of citizenship in this country. Since I have lived where you had to watch every word you spoke, I truly value our free speech rights. I know that there is an effort to shut down the voices of people who speak out against the current administration. There are people who think talk radio is too dominated by conservative voices. They probably understand that this is because followers of liberalism have plenty of voices in the main stream media, college campuses, etc., but because conservative voices are dominant in talk radio it makes a great target.
Why the liberals in this country scream for diversity, but then try to shut down those who try to express different ideas than liberal ideology is beyond me. Don't they understand how a full and engaged discussion of public policy and the direction of this country is essential for it's survival?
We all need a way to speak out. We must make our voices heard. We need to educate ourselves and become knowledgeable about the issues this country is facing. From immigration to global warming, from taxes, to Islamic terrorism. There is much that we must face and take a stand on.
In this blog I will be 'speaking out for America' and the direction I believe we need to take.

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