Thursday, September 24, 2009

Some thoughts on hidden agendas

When Obama took office I was worried that he was not being up front about what he wanted to do while in office. Everything about his past pointed to a far more radical person than the person he presented himself to be to the American people. In the campaign he was very careful to never give clear answers on many topics. He just spouted 'feel good' platitudes. The was wrapped like a birthday present in pretty paper by the media. Enough word came out, mostly on Fox news and talk radio, to make me really worried though. I did hope that he would not be as radical as his past associations had seemed to make him. But my hopes have all been dashed.
President Obama has had a huge hidden agenda all along. Because he still can't honestly answer questions about it, or talk about it, he continues to be in campaign mode. In speech after speech after speech he says the same thing, and gives very little real information. But the truth is becoming clear.
What does it mean to 'fundamentally transform America'. It means to transform America from its very foundations. Obama disagrees mightily with the founding fathers and what they wanted for America. He disagrees with their ideas and the constitution they created. He and his cadre want a socialist, big government, society. He wants POWER. Power to tell people what they can and can't do. Power to take their money. Power to tell them what doctor they can have, and when they have to quit using that doctor and live on pain pills instead. He wants power for himself and his radical associates. And they want power too. In Obama, they found the perfect front man. He is a gifted speaker. He is black, and he was young and relatively unknown. Now they have everything in place to shift this country in the direction that many radical organizations and people have wanted it to go. With huge piles of money, that comes from evil and conspiring men, and with the media safely in their pocket, they are able to push for those radical changes.
But a funny thing happened on the way to their Great Society. A lot of American people took notice and began to push back. Some brave talk show hosts continued to use what freedoms are still available to fight back and tell the truth. The American people are a great people when they are awakened. I hope that enough of us are awake and willing to fight for the protection of our country against this threat. We must save our constitution and work hard to get good leaders in place. We must do away with all the corruption. And we must let the media know that we expect them to do their jobs. Investigate and report what is really going on. Not just be some weird fan club of a radical, inexperienced, very flawed individual.